Tag Archives: Python

AI for Everyone LESSON 15: Face Detection using OpenCV

In this video lesson we show a simple method to detect faces in a WEB cam frame using openCV and Haar Cascades. We use pretrained models to find, box and track faces in a frame. Enjoy!


Tracking an Object Based on Color in OpenCV

In this lesson I describe how to track an object in OpenCV based on color. We use the HSV color space to make it simpler to train the model. Below, for your convenience, we include the code we develop in this lesson.

Putting Text, Rectangles and Circles on Images in OpenCV for Windows

In the video lesson above we show how to add text, rectangles and circles to video frames using OpenCV. Below we include the code with we developed in this lesson. Enjoy!


Python 3D Graphics Tutorial 5: Bouncing Ball Simulation in Visual Python

The program below is the code we developed in Lesson 5. It is a Vpython program that creates a 3D model of a marble bouncing in a box.


Python 3D Graphics LESSON 4: Understanding 3D Motion in Visual Python Model

In this lesson we show how to make an animated ball properly bounce off a wall using Visual Python (Vpython).